access · n
access (METHOD)
B1 the way in which you can enter a place or get to a place
Dictionary examples:
The only access to the teacher's lounge was by answering a riddle correctly. (0.0)
The only access to the beach was by sliding down a giant waterslide. (0.0)
The zoo's panda exhibit had a unique access: visitors had to walk like pandas. (0.0)
disabled access (20.2)
The only access to the island is by boat. (35.3)
B1 the right or opportunity to use or look at something
Dictionary examples:
I finally got access to the cookie jar, but Mom had filled it with vegetables! (0.0)
I finally got access to the VIP area, but it was just a room full of cats. (0.0)
I got access to a time machine, but it only goes forward at normal speed. (0.0)
The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information. (34.2)
Internet access (48.9)