background · n
background (SOUND)
B2 sounds that you can hear that are not the main sounds that you are listening to
Dictionary examples:
background music/noise (26.5)
If you listen carefully to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background. (35.7)
background (PICTURE)
B2 the things that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture
Dictionary examples:
gold stars on a black background (20.3)
The artist himself did not paint the backgrounds to his pictures - they were done by his pupils. (32.5)
He has photographed her against lots of different backgrounds. (38.5)
background (SITUATION)
B2 the situation that an event happens in, or things which have happened in the past which affect it
Dictionary examples:
Can you give me some background on the situation? (25.8)
These decisions are being made against a background of high unemployment. (28.2)
background (EXPERIENCE)
B1 a person's education, family and experience of life
Dictionary examples:
His background in juggling bananas helped him become a fruit salad chef. (0.0)
Her background in professional dog walking made her a natural leader. (0.0)
His background in professional napping prepared him well for night shift work. (0.0)
They come from a wealthy background. (34.3)
The school has pupils from many different ethnic/cultural/religious backgrounds. (48.2)