yet · adv
the best/worst, etc. yet
B2 the best or worst, etc. until now
Dictionary examples:
That was my worst grade yet. (15.0)
Of all the songs I've heard tonight, that's the best yet. (15.6)
yet again
C1 again after something has happened or been done many times before
Dictionary examples:
The bus was late yet again. (8.4)
C1 from now and for a particular period of time in the future
Dictionary examples:
The best is yet to come. (6.2)
She won't be back for a long time yet. (10.8)
yet another/more, etc.
C2 used to show that you are surprised or annoyed that something is being repeated or increased
Dictionary examples:
He's given us yet more work to do. (14.1)
could/may/might, etc. yet
C2 used to say there is still a possibility that something will happen
Dictionary examples:
He may win yet. (9.1)
be/have yet to do sth
C2 to not have done something that was expected before this time
Dictionary examples:
They have yet to make a decision. (15.7)
as yet
C1 until and including this time
Dictionary examples:
No ambulances had as yet managed to get across the river. (28.6)
I haven't heard as yet if their flight has arrived. (40.9)
A2 up until now
Dictionary examples:
My dog hasn't done my homework yet. Bad dog! (0.0)
I haven't grown taller yet. Maybe I need more pizza! (0.0)
I haven't found my missing sock yet. It's hiding! (0.0)
He hasn't finished yet. (6.8)
I haven't spoken to her yet. (8.1)
"Are you ready?" "Not yet - wait a minute." (9.8)
yet (NOW)
A2 now or as early as this time
Dictionary examples:
I haven't started my homework yet. The TV is too loud! (0.0)
I'm not ready to eat my vegetables yet. (0.0)
The cake isn't ready yet. My stomach is! (0.0)
I don't want to go home yet. (13.2)